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5 facts about me!

1. I choose to be an educator on the first day of first grade.

On my first day of first grade, I came home and told my parents I was going to be a teacher. I did not waver in all of my years of schooling and new opportunities arrising. I always knew being an educator was my passion and my niche in life. I knew on that first day of first grade because my first grade teacher inspiried me. I am sure so many of us have stories like, whether we became educators or not, about that one teacher who inspired us, motivated us, and made us feel like a million bucks even on our hardest days. The teacher that saw our talents and gifts before we even did. Well that was my first grade teacher and her inspiration carried me throughout college and my time as a public school educator and I know will for many years to come.

2. I love coffee!... Shocking I know

I'm sure this isn't shocking to hear given the name of this very website but I love me a good cup of coffee. I love it black, sugar, cream, fancy, cold, hot, you name it I probably like it and I probably have drank it. Nothing hits quite like a good cup of coffee. You wouldn't find me doing much work without a mug or glass by my side.

3. My family motivates me.

My family has always been my motivation but now so more then ever. My soon to be husband is the very person who encouraged me to take this leap and start this blog! Their support and confidence in me blows me away! My fiance and I share a corgi named Max and we enjoy spending time together drinking coffee, decorating and doing projects at our home, taking jeep rides, binging netflix shows and spending time with our parents and friends.

4. This was never the plan.

This blog and my creation of educational resources as my full time gig wasn't the plan. But after my father passed away in 2021 and the stresses of teaching through a pandemic and the ever growing challenges of teaching faced by public educators I knew I needed a change for my health. So as my soon to be husband and I discussed my next move in my career I decided this was it! Sharing educational resources, glows and grows from my time in the classroom, and continuing to shed light on the ever growing challenges was the place to be. So here I am ready to go!

5. I love design, especially interior design.

I have always loved art and design and over the last few years have really enjoyed interior design and creating an environment within my home and classroom that brings warmth, welcome, and openness to the space. I know there will be sharing of creating inclusive loving spaces within our classrooms and our homes in the near future.

I can't wait to share more with you! This was a small snip-it into my life, more to come soon!


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