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5 Ideas for Building Classroom Community

Classroom community building is such a big piece of the first few weeks of school and creating a safe space for all learners in your classroom. I always enjoyed those first few weeks as I got to know my students and I had the opportunity to watch them get to know each other and begin to open up. I love to encourage students to open up and delve deeper into learning about the things they have in common with each other as well as the things they don't. It is truly amazing to see their gifts shine through. So I've decided to write a bit before you get deep into your school year about what activities I enjoyed doing to build classroom community and provide the opportunity for students to open up and share themselves fully.

1.Only One You Rock Garden and Read Aloud

One of my favorite activities each year that I complete with my students within the first week was reading the book Only One You by Linda Krantz. This is a great book about finding your own way and being yourself and loving yourself for how unique you are. Each year I would read this book aloud. Then each student would get a rock. I would ask students to decorate the rock however they wished but it was to represent themselves. Each child's rock is then placed in a communal container for the year so all the rocks can be put together. For the entire school year our rock garden is in view of students so they can remember that each of them are brilliant and unique and together we make a beautiful picture that wouldn't be the same without each one of them. At the end of the year each student gets to take their rock home with them to keep. See pictures below of what our classroom rock garden looked like!

2. The Name Jar Reading Comprehension and Get to Know You

Another great book that I enjoy reading to my students in the early days of our year together is The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi. This book is a great way for you to welcome students who may not have come to your school before and aren't known by other children in the classroom or a reminder that we each come with special gifts and all students should be able to share who they are. I always explored students name history after reading this book so my students could learn the origins of their own name as well as the names of their peers. It was always a great way to get conversation going and provide an avenue to practice names and learn more about each other. If you'd like a lesson plan and activities click here to get yours in my TpT store.

3. Swimmy Read Aloud and Bulletin Board Activities

Swimmy by Leo Lionni is a great read aloud any time of year but I always enjoyed reading it in the beginning of the year and discussing teamwork with students and how our classroom was a team! It was a great time to talk about working together, respecting one another, and creating a safe environment for everyone in our classroom. I enjoyed having students color in fish to create a larger fish like in the book to show our teamwork. It is a great book for teamwork as well as for comprehension practice. If you'd like to get your hands on some of my favorite Swimmy activities click here!

4. Mirror Affirmations/I Am! Affirmations Lesson

ooIt has been a trend in classrooms the last few years but I see far more of a benefit to it then just the pretty decor it makes for a classroom. Mirror Affirmations is a great way to practice self talk with students and creating positive self confidence for students. Each year I had students write their own affirmation cards and add them to the affirmations I already had up. This created not only a space for them to repeat the affirmations I had put up around the mirror but also for students to see their own affirmations put up. I intentionally taught students to use the affirmation mirror when they are in need of a confidence boost as well as if I hear students using negative self-talk. This created a great environment of positive self talk throughout our classroom as well as the use of the mirror when students were feeling low. I loved using these with my students! Here are two resources I've used to help create my mirrors with students! Click Here for I Am Affirmations Lesson! Click Here for Mirror Affirmations Decor!

I hope that you found these helpful and I look forward to sharing more in the future. Have a wonderful back to school season and enjoy meeting your new students!


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