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An Educators Summer Vacation

Congratulations! You have made it through another school year and impacted the lives of so many beautiful young lives. Now it is time for you to take some time for you and reconnect with family and friends that you may have felt distant with over the last few months in the chaos that is the end of the school year. Take time to read the book you've had your eyes on but no time to actually sit and read. You deserve it! Yes, you! I know the feeling of "but I have so much to do outside of school how can I possible take time for me". Trust me I've been there, but maybe cleaning the house, or running the errands you haven't run, or going to the appointments you've been putting off is a way to take time for you and in between all of that you take time to do some of the things you love. Over these next few months you have opportunity to recharge for next year, or whatever direction your journey is taking you classroom or not. Below are some of the ways I have found best for me to recharge each year following a crazy school year.

A fun little game of bingo for my educator friends as you get to experience summer and time away from the normal hustle and bustle. Download the printer friendly version here!

Take At least a Month Off

I know for some of us this is impossible and thats okay. There are so many reasons taking time away might not be possible for you, including teaching summer school or having economic reasons that won't allow you to step away but if you have the privllege to take a month away, do it! It is the best way to help you recharge and self-preserve from burn out from this past year and for the year coming up. Take a month away, don't look at emails, don't think about next year, don't think about classroom decor or curriculum needs. Take the month for you, nothing school related, including buying all the cute stuff at the target dollar spot or dollar store when you walk in and immediately think, thats perfect for my classroom. Truly take the month or any amount of time you can to just disconnect and do you!

Stay Away from Work Emails

Okay so this one took me a few summers to learn. I definitely was a bit addicted to my emails and its so easy to be swept up into answering immediately. For me stepping away helped so much. There is no need for me to be checking emails in the middle of summer, I am not being paid for that time nor do I have any responsibilities I am required to fulfill at that point so turn them off, take the app off your phone and stay away from the emails. It helps to further disconnect and relax while you recharge for what is to come as the school year ramps up in fall.

Read and Do for Pleasure

During the school year we are reading and working so much on our classroom and our craft as a teacher that any reading we want to do for pleasure gets pushed to the side so now is the time. Read what you want to read, do what you want to do. Its less about finding time during the summer and its a great time for you to use the activities and reading you wish to do for pleasure as a tool to recharge yourself and fill your very empty cup. I always enjoy getting outside and reading or finally getting to the task of a new home project I've been wishing to do the whole school year. There are so many ways to fulfill your summer time with activities that are much harder to do and find time for during the school year. Do it for you and for the joy of it all.

Recharge with Those you Love

During the school year we see those we love but we aren't as present due to the stress of work and all of the things running through our minds. Take the summer to be with the people you love to recharge with the positive and loving energy around you and nourish the all important support system that you have around it. I always find it nice in the summer to go on vacation with family, have picnics with friends and spend more time connecting through fun activities and celebrations. Spend some time recharging with loved ones they certainly are part of the village that keeps you going during the school year so enjoy their presence when you are fully present.

Take Care of You

And last but certainly not least is take care of you! We put appointments, self-care, exercise, and pampering to the side during the school year so we can share all our energy with the children we call family for the year but now is the time to take care of you. Schedule the doctors appointment you've been putting off or the therapist appointment that just didn't seem to fit into your schedule during the school year. Get your hair done because now you have time for the three hour balayage or highlight you wanted in the middle of the school year but it didn't fit. Get your nails done or get that all important massage and facial. Whatever it is do it! You have more time now (hopefully) to focus on you. Use this time to take care of yourself. Love on yourself and do what brings you joy.

There are so many ways we as educators can recharge during the summer months. Make sure you do what you can to recharge yourself for the upcoming school year and new adventures you encounter because you are important. You are important to each child that has, and has yet to walk through your classroom door. Take time for you, love on yourself, disconnect from school and reconnect with yourself. You deserve it educators of the world because even the superhero's that you are need some rest! Happy Summer!


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