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June Favorites: Read Alouds and Activities

Another month of my favorites!This months favorites will focus more on summer fun and reading for summer since most of us are out of school or will be very shortly. I also include a few of my favorite end of year books to read with your class before the last day of school if you are still waiting for summer to come! Whatever your situation is enjoy some books and summer sun!

A Letter from Your Teacher: On the Last Day of School

A read aloud for teachers to say good bye to their students at the end of a school year through a written letter from the teachers point of view. The class is invited to reflect back on memories of the year, the classroom community built and the adversities they have faced together. The pride of their teacher shines through in the letter and conveys how much the teacher will miss her loving students. The letter reminds students that their teacher will always be cheering them on and is excited to see what they do in the future.

Activity: A great activity following this end of school year favorite is to have students write their own letters to next years students. I had students include their favorite activities and lessons from the school year, a piece of advice for the new student, and the hardest thing they overcame during the school year. On the first day of school I would put last years students notes onto students desks so they could read or have my paraprofessionals and I help them read the note from last years student. It is a great way to close out one year and open another year by connecting students.

Goodbye For Now by Madison Rowe

Teachers and students spend a whole year growing, learning and taking care of one another which makes the last day of school so bitter sweet. Memories have been made that will last a lifetime for students and teachers. A bright, playful book, Goodbye for Now reminds students that their teacher has had fun this year and will carry all the memories of their ups, downs, highs, and lows throughout the year. A reminder to students that their teacher loves them and knows they will do amazing things, Goodbye for Now prepares students to move onto a new school year while maintaining the loving relationship that teachers and students form throughout a school year.

Activity: I always gave students a book at the end of the school year that I felt resembled my experience with them and their interests. I would always write a note to my students in the front cover of the book I gave them. I always cherished writing these notes to my students and even some of my students who will be graduating high school shortly have shared they still have the book I gave them with my hand written note. Its a way for me to always share with my students that I support them, I cherished our time together and I am sending them forward to fly on their own in their own unique ways. This was one of my favorite things to do at the end of the year because not only was it a piece of me to give to my students but it was a reminder to stop and reflect on each of my students, their unique beautiful talents and personalities and how far they had come over the school year.

Cannon Ball by Sacha Cotter

A fun-filled book that reminds children of family, overcoming fears, and being yourself, Cannon Ball, gives children a fun account of learning to do the perfect cannon ball. Through the celebration of native culture, find out how this young child learns how to do a cannon ball perfectly while listening to his inner voice after getting advice from so many people who say you need more weight, bigger shorts, more muscles, bigger shorts, you name it. A great story of finding your inner voice with a fun summer flair.

Activity: A great way to explore children's inner voice and work on social emotional learning is through creating an affirmation mirror. Each student is given a handheld mirror or a paper print out of a hand held mirror. On the mirrors students write affirmations about themselves so when they look in the mirror they see the affirmations. Students can use fun colors to write on their mirrors if you choose to do the real mirrors using paint markers is the best way to make sure students words appear on the mirror, just be sure to have students clothing and the surfaced covered as paint markers don't come out of clothing or surfaces very easily if at all. This is a great way to have students practice positive inner voice and self talk.

Over and Under the Waves by Kate Messner

Explore the interconnected ecosystems of the ocean in this fun filled story. Follow the story of a family's kayaking trip through the oceans ecosystems to learn about the biodiversity of kelp forests and other ecosystems, food chains, and endangered species. Learn fascinating facts about the ocean and its many animals and plant life. The ocean is full of so many amazing and surprising life! Explore ways to preserve the oceans and how our world is filled with natural wonders and carefully connected ecosystems. Explore the oceans together through this fun story!

Activity: As you all know I love to include sensory bins in my activities, especially for my young friends under 7 or 8. It is a great way for students to explore their world and work on fine motor skills as a follow up to a literacy activity so they can make connections and explore on their own. This story spoke to me as a great sensory bin story to explore ocean animals and ecosystems through play and sensory. Click here to get my sensory creation for oceans!

Wonder Walkers by Micha Archer

What is a wonder walk? Find out by reading about two very curios kids who take their own wonder walk. These children let their imaginations run wild as they take in the world around them in a whole new light. Asking thought-provoking questions for the things they see and they experience and letting their wonders take them to new places. Have a great time reading together about out wonderful world and ways you can see the world as new with wonder in your eyes.

Activity: Go on a nature walk with students. Have students pick up pieces of nature that have already fallen from trees or plants as to not disturb living plants. Students will use the pieces of nature they collect to create an art piece of their own making. This is a great way to have students notice the wonder and small things in nature. Students can create art however they see fit and interact with nature in their own way to be creative which capitalizes on their wonder and helps them to be wonder walkers.

Shark Lady by Jess Keating

A story of a woman who dared to dive, discover and inspire, Shark Lady explores the story of Eugenie Clark. Eugenie fell in love with shark when she first saw them at the aquarium. At the time, women weren't often scientists and people believed sharks were scary but Eugenie wanted to prove them wrong and devoted her life to researching Sharks. Eugenie earned the nickname 'Shark Lady' from her extensive research and accomplishments as a female scientist . Read more about Eugenie stories of breaking barriers as a female scientist and changing the image of sharks to the public.

Activity: Reading about Eugenie is a fun way to learn about a female scientist who change the understanding of sharks and women in science. This is a great opportunity to have students learn more about Eugenie and sharks. A great way to display students research is through a fun file folder report. Click here to get the file folder report resource and directions as well as some links to learn more by clicking here!

Swimmy by Leo Lionni

Read a tale of a brave fish that shows his friends how to overcome any danger with teamwork and ingenuity. The small school of fish is full of wonders but is aware of danger and some of the fish are too scared to come out of hiding but Swimmy comes with them and shows them how to overcome their fears.

Activity: Swimmy provides an opportunity to do so many activities with students around fish. You can practice counting with gold fish, use fish shaped sponge stamps to create a painted picture, cut out fish shapes and have students paint them however they'd like. I also have played team building games such as the human knot with students following reading this story to discuss how working together makes us stronger and as I always use to say in my classroom, teamwork is the dreamwork. There are so many possibilities with fish and the follow up to reading this great story about fish and teamwork.

Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall

Read this story of determination and perseverance as a young boy is ready to jump off the diving board after finishing his swimming lessons and passing his swim test. At first he thinks it looks easy but realizes he might be a little scared and he need to figure out the perfectly special jump to make his first dive perfect. Learn how Jabari, the young boy overcomes his fears and and shows his determination.

Activity: Jabari Jumps is a great story discussing courage and perseverance. I always discuss with students ways they've shown courage throughout the school year and ways they can show courage in the future. I do this in a talking circle format with a talking piece to make sure all students have a chance to share and students are practicing whole body listening. It is always a great conversation to have with students and hear their perspectives on the year and their achievements.

The Seeking Tree by Jodi Dee

As a young tree sprouts see its excitement for the world and connection to nature and things past. Humans however are too busy to even notice the small sapling. The sapling waits and watches for many years as it watches tress slowly disappear around it. But finally someone sees the tree and finds the seeking tree and the many trees that are part of the connected and intricate ecosystem. This story tells of many disappearing trees and the caution of using our planets abundant resources in a delicate balance. Read the Seeking Tree to engage your sense about climate change, appreciating nature and the beautiful natural world we live in.

Activity: Trees are a great topic for students and a great way for students to learn and notice nature. Have students go outside and find the trees that look different from one another. Have them count how many different kinds of trees they see outside around your school or home. I know for me I look out my window and I already see four different kinds of trees. Have students notice the different shapes of the leaves and look/feel of the bark. Have students take in all the differences and similarities of the trees, this is a great way to practice shapes, counting, and similarities and differences. I even have had my students list similarities and differences on paper or in a graphic organizer to keep track of the observations they make.

The Hike by Allison Farrell

Read a story about adventure and celebrate the fun filled young sciences explore nature in their own back yard. These young explores set out on a hike to see their local forest and all find different ways to enjoy their time in nature. This story captures the magic of the forest and natural world around us and helps us to understand ways we can love nature through different avenues and activities. See these friends enjoy the outdoors together and dream of ways you can explore the outdoors in your own backyard.

Activity: A great way to get children excited about the outdoors and go on a hike is a Nature scavenger hunt. This helps children to notice and enjoy the world around them in a new way as they look for the items on their hunt. Grab this free scavenger hunt on my TpT store by clicking here!

As the school year comes to a close (or in some places already has) and the summer begins take some time to read with your class, children, and the people around you. Notice nature, show courage, listen for your inner voice and reflect on the ways you have grown over this last school year. Curl up with a book and some lemonade and enjoy reading a book. Books take you wherever you will let them.


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