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November Favorites: Read Aloud and Activities

Just like I did on one of last months blog posts I am going to share some of my favorite read alouds and activities with you for the month of November, I will continue to do this for each month including picture books I love and activities to go with them, some that are more for a classroom setting and some that will be great at home. By no means is this list exhaustive but it is some of the books and activities I have use with success in my classroom during this very busy time of year!

I always loved teaching in the month of November because it is often a forgotten month of amazing content for classrooms. November brings about social emotional learning through exploring thanksgiving and gratefulness and through academic subjects we explore the history of thanksgiving and native peoples which allows for deeper discussions on culture, diversity, and inclusion of all, which really can open the door for so many opportunities with young children to have a deeper understanding of the world around us and create a culture of kindness. So in this season of thanksgiving and exploration here are some of favorite read aloud and activities to engage with children.

Balloons Over Broadway
by Melissa Sweet

Following the story of Tony Sarg, the puppeteer who first invented helium balloons that are a part of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and his journey down broadway. A great story for children 4 and up.

Activity: Have children design their own balloon float using a ballon and craft materials, or by having children draw out their idea. Children also can work on their descriptive writing by writing about the balloon the created and not showing anyone a picture, but having a game of guess my balloon creation based on children's descriptive writing.

Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story
by Kevin Noble

A story about a modern Native American family and what fry bread is, what it means to them and their history. Read about the way this family celebrates thanksgiving with their traditional Fry Bread. Great for children 3 years old through 7 years old.

Activity: Make fry bread with your family and try out the recipe. Here is a link to a fry bread recipe. Click here!

Thankful by Eileen Spinelli

You can be thankful and grateful on more than just thanksgiving. Celebrating blessings, practicing thankfulness and observing acts of service keep us going each and everyday. A book of rhymes and meter this book is great for children ages 2-6 to discover ways of celebrating thanksgiving and gratitude all year long.

Activity: A great activity following reading Thankful is starting a gratitude jar with your children/family/classroom. This jar is placed in a common area all members of the group can reach. Each day members of the group write something they have gratitude for that day. At the end of November read all of your gratitudes aloud and share with one another to share your thanksgivings. You also can do this every month, not just November! It is a great way to share some joy with your family/Class.

Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano

A hilarious story of a turkey trying to avoid being discovered before Thanksgiving. The turkey disguises himself as other farm animals in an attempt to not be part of the thanksgiving feast. A great story to read with children while giggling along. This story is great for 3-8 year olds.

Activity: I am sure many of you have seen the disguise a turkey activity, which is great fun for children. Children have a turkey cut out or drawing and disguise their turkey as something other than a turkey to try and save the turkey from being thanksgiving dinner. Children have so much fun being silly and creative creating their turkeys. Another activity would be STEM based, children work with given materials such as legos, popsicle sticks, cardboard, tape, recyclables, etc. to create a hideout for the turkey to protect him from being thanksgiving dinner. This helps children to exercise their creative thinking, their scientific method and design process thinking, and build upon the story they have read. I always enjoy seeing what students create, things I on so many occasions I never would have thought of.

Coming Home by Ruth Greg

A boy reunites with his military mother as she comes home from deployment. Everyday service members leave their families to protect other. Families and friends miss and love each and every service member who leaves pot deployment and wants them to come home. Read this book with children to have a deeper understanding of what military families go through while their loved ones are on deployment and how home comings bring joy to all. A great read for Veteran's day lessons and to teach students empathy. A great story for 4-7 year olds.

Activity: Have children write letters or make cards for Veteran's that you may know, a community event close to veteran's day or to send to active service members. Have children write their thanksgivings for the service of service members and their families.

The Wall by Eve Bunting

A story of a boy visiting the Vietnam memorial wall in Washington, D.C and seeing the 58,000 names written on the wall. As the boy is visiting he meets a wheel-chair bound Veteran and has many questions. The boy and his father remember and honor veterans while the boy learns with his curios questions. A great read for Veteran's day and to explore children's curiosities about Veteran's day and American Service members. A great story for children 5 and up.

Activity: A great way to engage kids who may not know much about the Wall or Veteran's day is through videos and virtual field trips. Below are links to an informational Veteran's day video and a virtual field trip to the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in Washington D.C.

Veteran's Day Video - Click Here!

Vietnam War Memorial Wall Virtual Trip - Click Here!

Giving Thanks By Denise Kiernan

Thanksgiving is a holiday American's have celebrated for generations. Giving Thanks explores how the tradition began when Sarah Josepha Hale started a campaign to write letters to make the holiday official. The president approved the holiday and now because of the letter-writing efforts we gather with friends and family every year around the thanksgiving table. This book is great for children 4-8 years old.

Activity: Have children draw or write about a family tradition you have around the holiday season. What is something you do ever year? Or you could have children write a letter about something they want to see change in your house or your classroom. Help children to format their letter correctly if they haven't already been taught how to write a letter. This is a great way for children to practice their writing and learn how to advocate for themselves and their beliefs.

Squanto's Journey: The Story of the First Thanksgiving by Joseph Bruchac

Interactions between the European settlers and Native Peoples were not always peaceful and collaborative as much of 'our history' suggests but sometimes could be hostile. This book gives context for the first Thanksgiving feast and how it came to be after Squanto and his friends helped the settlers. This book is great for children 6-12 years old.

Activity: Find out what tribe of native peoples lived in your area. Look up some of their customs and traditions and the ways they lived off the land in your area.

The Poppy Lady by Barbra E. Walsh

Based on the true story of Moana Belle Michaels who was determined to find a way to honor and remember soldiers during World War I. Moana made poppy flowers a symbol of remembrance that is still used today and is connected with Veteran's and Veteran's day. A great read to share what it means to serve your country and to remember veteran's. This book is great for children 6-12 years old.

Activity: Make a poppy with your children. Follow this link for the directions! Click here!

Or make a stained glass looking poppy. Find the directions by clicking here!

We are Grateful "Otsaliheliga" by Traci Sorell

The word "otsaliheliga" is Cherokee, meaning gratitude. The book focuses on otsaliheliga and the way the Cherokee Nation celebrates their year which starts in the fall. Explore with children ways we are grateful and what it means to have gratitude while exploring a new culture and way of celebrating 'thanksgiving'. A great story for children 5 and up.

Activity: Discuss what gratitude means with children. Discuss ways we show gratitude and ways we all may show gratitude in different ways. For a fun activity follow the link below to see this free I am grateful well to accompany this great book.

These are just a few of my favorite stories and follow up activities, feel free to explore the books listed or books of your own. Happy Reading!


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